Caring For The Ederly
Caring For The Ederly
All of us know that our parents, spouse and other family members will eventually grow old and face inevitable health challenges.
We even understand that sickness and death are part of living in a fallen world. But we are never quite ready for these realities to hit our own loved ones – especially when a debilitating disease gradually robs them of a once active life or seeps away their memories.
Forty percent of caregivers are also raising young children, living with the stress and heartache this family season can bring. It may become necessary to back out of other things in order to fulfill the primary calling to “be Jesus” by serving an aging loved one during their final days.
Whether with a parent or a spouse, you can take steps to become proactive by understanding some of what this season will bring.
Living On The Edge
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Some Helpful Advice
Going Further
Complete Guide to Caring for Aging Loved Ones by Focus on the Family
Offers very practical advice to those trying to navigate the many decisions and issues associated with caring for an aging spouse, parent or other loved one.
30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents by Kathy Howard
Offers the encouragement needed as you strive to care for your parents in a way that pleases God and shows them honor and respect while maintaining their dignity.
The Caregiving Season: Finding Grace to Honor Your Aging Parents by Jane Daly
Offers practical advice to help you honor your aging parents well and deepen your personal relationship with Christ along the journey.
A website pointing to resources for information, support and decision making for the caregiver.
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